Tania Moore


A short story by Tania Moore.

William Dyrness

A Mall is just a Mall, and (Sometimes) That’s All We Want

In this article, William Dyrness responds to Robert Covolo and Cory Willson’s attempt to position themselves between theological account of culture and cultural practices outlined in James K. A. Smith’s book Desiring the Kingdom and Dyrness’s book Poetic Theology.

Rachel K. Ward

Love By Any Means Possible (and The Postmodern Condition of Desire)

“Love is something like a theater of the world but with only two people in the audience,” -Alain Badiou, “What is love, sexuality and desire?,”[i]   In 1909, E.M. Forester wrote the “The Machine Stops.” He described a future world where people live privately in rooms and interact with one another via screens connected to […]

Matthew E. Henry

Say the Love of God is an Addiction

In the poem, MEH considers the draws of appetite and desire, for both food and God, as “sometimes sweet, often bitter…(a) blind rage which pursues us through the day…”

Jeremy Clive Huggins

The Church Potluck

Editor’s Note: In 2010, The Other Journal published The Spirit of Food: Thirty-Four Writers on Feasting and Fasting Toward God, a collection of essays and recipes that colorfully depict how our acts of eating echo the community of the church and the sacrament of communion. One of these essays, “The Church Potluck,” which we have chosen […]

Geoffrey Holsclaw

Justice and the New Universalism

The universalism debate has been kicked up a bit again, at least in my corner of the ‘interweb’.  Responding to Lauren Winner’s essay on Rob Bell in the New York Times Book Review, Jamie Smith questions the “hope” and “imagination” of popular universalists (see also Paul Griffiths response to the same article).  Kicking the universalist […]