Rob Clements

Marxism and the God Question: Perspectives from the Frankfurt School

The much-neglected Frankfurt school of critical theory, which draws richly on Marxist theory, opens a path for collaborative opportunities between religious and social movements. Through an examination of the religious images present in Marx, Horkheimer, Benjamin, and Bloch, Rob Clements argues that there are dialectical possibilities that help us critique, and eventually overcome, the social inequalities evident in advanced capitalist societies.

Thomas J. Millay

Always Historicize! On Fredric Jameson, the Tea Party, and Theological Pragmatics

Theodor Adorno, Alain Badiou, Jean Baudrillard, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault, Slavoj Žižek: What do these thinkers have in common? First, they are all Marxists.1 Second, they have all received significant attention in the theological community; each of these theorists, for example, has been the subject of a full-length volume in Continuum’s exciting Philosophy […]