Tripp York

The Defecation that is, often, Christian Nonviolence

Over the last few weeks I’ve had to deal with so many critiques of Christian pacifism that I decided to level one myself. Anytime I get very defensive, to the point of making fun of my critics, I figure it’s a good time to level a criticism at myself or, at the very least, my […]

Branson Parler

Overcoming Lamech: Lament as Antidote to Violence

In response to evil Christ-centered lament is a performative action that both acknowledges the evil and injustice present in the world and simultaneously defuses our vengeful feelings by focusing on the sacrifice of Christ.

Tripp York

Ask a Pacifist (I will if I can find one)

As a part of her “Ask A . . . Series”, I was recently interviewed on Rachel Held Evans’ blog. To be honest, I always assumed that if I were ever asked to be a part of the series it would be more along the lines of Ask a Narcissist, or Ask A Mennonite Devil-Seeker, or […]

Tripp York

Hip, Chest, or Ankle?

I found this after being “inspired” by a bumper sticker saying, “Keep your hands off my Bible, Guns, and Values.” This does raise a significant theological question: Where does Jesus keeps his holster?