Zach J. Hoag, Zachary Thomas Settle

Breaking Bad Roundtable: Season 5, Episode 9

Zachary Thomas Settle: The Beginning of the End: Season 5, Episode 9 The beginning of episode 9 of the fifth season of Breaking Bad reminded us why this show is so incredibly unique. The opening shot of skateboarders in the White’s abandoned pool and Walt’s terrifying greeting to his neighbor once again signify that Walt’s […]

Joshua Busman

The Spiritual Children of Sigur Rós

Before moving to North Carolina to begin a Ph.D. at UNC-Chapel Hill, I lived just outside of Nashville, TN. During my four years there, many of my friends were Nashville natives and even more of them were aspiring audio engineers, producers, and recordings artists who came to the city hoping to find work on Music […]

Joshua Busman

CCM, Heavy Metal, and the Lure of Possibility

Just last week, I was reading Deena Weinstein’s landmark 1991 study Heavy Metal: A Cultural Sociology and I was nearly stopped in my tracks by the final chapter, which deals with metal’s “detractors” from across the political spectrum. While conservative criticisms of heavy metal are well-known through the work of groups like the Parents Music […]

Brett David Potter

Exegeting Pop Culture (and a call for writers)

If you are a regular follower of the Mediation blog, I (on behalf of myself, Brian, Thomas, Aaron and Kelly) have to apologize for a slowdown in posts, especially over the Christmas season. In all of the far-flung places we are found across this great continent (from Seattle to Atlanta to Toronto), things have been […]

Brett David Potter

Living in Culture: Poetic Theology and Situatedness

William Dyrness’ new book Poetic Theology (2011) is commendable for a number of reasons: its rehabilitation of a “positive” theology of desire (not just the negative spin on human eros we are used to in the Christian tradition), the importance it gives to symbols and symbol-making, as well as its careful concern for the aesthetic […]