J. Aaron Simmons, Zachary Jolly

Can Philosophy Come Forth As Prophecy?

J. Aaron Simmons (aaron.simmons@furman.edu) – Department of Philosophy, Furman University Zachary Jolly (zach.jolly@furman.edu) – Department of Philosophy, Furman University In 1984 Alvin Plantinga’s landmark essay, “Advice to Christian Philosophers,” appeared in print in Faith and Philosophy. This widely celebrated essay can rightly be said to have crystallized the early gestures toward what has become known […]

Daniel Colucciello Barber

The Actuality of Liberation’s Problem

Christianity and Marxism are bound together by the thought of liberation, but it is time to think liberation as a problem in itself, as a matter of prophecy rather than of conversion.

Debra Rienstra


John 12:1-11 Solemn, weightless, she appears in the slender doorway of his time. Heavy-sweet perfume rises, mingles with murmurous voices bruising the air, stinging her bare, bending nape; hair falls unveiled on urgent fingers. She weeps for the brother, living; for the master, dead; Time, a slivered moon, turns toward the dark. Broken pieces of […]