Oh come on, you look like you’re going to the dentist. Keep an open mind. You might even enjoy it.

Yeah. Two hours of French people singing and dancing for no apparent reason.

I think the world would be a better place if everyone sang and danced for no apparent reason.

Just remember your part of the deal, alright? This week we see the, the… This. Next week, Battle of Algiers.

You know, go see the Battle of Algiers.

No no no, Rochefort it is.

Go see the movie you want.

Really? You don’t mind?

No. What’s the difference? We’re both sitting in the dark anyway, right?

Well, yeah, okay. You see the movie you want to see, I’ll see what I want to see, and we can discuss them over dinner. . . .

Cinema Village is an art house in Greenwich Village (22 East 12th Street). See also Marquee Appeal #1