James K. A. Smith

Response to Downing: Police at Play

Mea culpa.  How else could I respond to Crystal Downing’s gracious, rightly-critical engagement with The Fall of Interpretation?  In what was a moment of (rather Caputo-an?[1]) flourish, I seem to have blamed an entire discipline for mis-readings of Derrida. And this despite the fact that, as Downing rightly points out, there are plenty of professors […]

Crystal Downing

The Ghost in The Fall

Unlike Jacques Derrida, who was haunted by specters of Karl Marx, I am haunted by specters of JKA Smith. My first glimpse of Smith’s ghostly presence came in 2005, when an anonymous reader for my soon-to-be published book on postmodernism berated me for never mentioning The Fall of Interpretation. As I checked Smith’s text out […]

Chad Lakies

Upcoming at ChurchandPomo

It’s been quiet here for a bit. However, we’ve got quite a few posts lined up for the rest of the summer. Starting Monday, we’ll host in 3 substantive interactions with James K.A. Smith’s The Fall of Interpretation, 2nd ed. We’ve invited three reviewers to interact with Jamie’s latest edition of his very first book […]