Tripp York

Animal Crackers

To celebrate the publication of the second volume of The Peaceable Kingdom series (A Faith Embracing All Creatures), for the next few weeks I’ll be randomly posting on animals, Christianity, and why, three times a day, most of my nonviolent friends live lives that are the absolute antithesis of nonviolence. Ya’ flesh-eating, ‘bodies consuming other […]

Tripp York

All God’s Children Got Guns

I’m a bit peeved. It’s always been a dream of mine to write a book on the most brilliant anti-war film of all time. No, I’m not talking about All Quiet on the Western Front, The Thin Red Line or Pauly Shores’ In the Army Now. I’m talking about the greatest, quite possibly never-to-be-topped, most […]

Tripp York

The Boxer (“I am just a poor archbishop, my story’s seldom told . . .”)

In a recent issue of the Guardian, Archbishop Rowan Williams (what’s up with those superhero eyebrows?) astutely explains why he is not God’s boxer. Read, read, read. Now that you’ve read the lovely article, consider/do battle with/loathe/etc., whatever (thanks Over The Rhine), a few points I’ve taken from the interview (with points 5 & 6 […]