Tripp York

Oi to the World! (now bugger off)

First of all, Oi to the World! was written by The Vandals, not that obnoxiously horrible “I don’t know when to stop singing, so I’ll just keep belting ‘oooohhh’ throughout ever ‘effing line in a song” crappy singer Gwen Stefani. But, I guess, since the song is about unity I should be nice. And it’s […]

Tripp York

Five Christmas Songs that Kind of Make Me Go, “This could be right.”

My first substantial brush with ‘atheism/agnosticism/I kinda wish I was a Taoist but I always collapse into nihilism instead’ did not come about via reading Nieztsche, Bakunin, God forbid, Dawkins (a little humor there). I was 14 and it occurred while I was in church singing a song composed by some ‘everyman’ from Contemporary Christian […]