Tripp York

Hip, Chest, or Ankle?

I found this after being “inspired” by a bumper sticker saying, “Keep your hands off my Bible, Guns, and Values.” This does raise a significant theological question: Where does Jesus keeps his holster?

Tripp York

Neo-Luddism No More! (look out ‘this-worldly’ types)

An earlier post of mine, “Dear Lord…”, has plead guilty to the act of self-plagiarism (which is, admittedly, rarely as enjoyable as self-pleasuring). It was a previously published article of mine in which the only real altering that occurred was my changing of the title (with the help of The Temptations–ah yeah). Think of it […]

Heather Smith Stringer, Tara Ward, Zadok Wartes

Curators of Beauty and Space

It is a rare and special treat to find a band that makes music, especially music that one might classify as religious music, which is wholly devoted to the pursuit of beauty. The Opiate Mass, a Seattle-based collaboration of musicians, songwriters, visual artists, audio engineers, and authors, provides just such a treat. In this interview, […]

Jeffrey Overstreet

Black Swan (Aronofsky, 2010)

Aronofsky’s adrenalin-junkie tendencies get the better of him in a movie that Mila Kunis steals from Natalie Portman.

Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart on Vattimo & Girard @ NDPR

Gianni Vattimo and René Girard, Christianity, Truth, and Weakening Faith: A Dialogue, Pierpaolo Antonello (ed.), William McCuaig (tr.), Columbia University Press, 2010, 124 pp, $18.50 (hbk), ISBN 9780231148283. Reviewed by Kevin Hart, The University of Virginia/The Australian Catholic University Gianni Vattimo is best known today, at least in the English-speaking world, as one of a […]