
The Other Journal is a twice-yearly print and digital journal that aims to “tell it slant.” Attempting to remain a step or two more popular than the typical scholarly journal and a step or two more scholarly than the typical popular magazine, our goal is to provide readers with provocative, challenging, nuanced Christian writing on social issues, politics, cultural trends, pop phenomena, and theological ideas of the highest caliber.

Each issue of The Other Journal is organized around a particular theme, and includes writing in a wide variety of genres: essays, book reviews, poems, creative nonfiction, poetry, interviews, and original art.

Our team of editors, pastors, web designers, writers, and artists is a vibrant group of people working in a wide range of vocations. Following Dickinson’s call to “tell all the truth and tell it slant,” our common commitment is to being a progressive, constructive, and charitable Christian voice that resources readers to love God, love neighbor, and invest in the hope that our world would be further characterized by justice and peace.