Holy crap. This is awesome. Normally, the lives of people like Palin are beneath my notice (and yes, I mean that in the most pretentious way possible–I’m a living paradox like that), but this is gold.


Of course, everyone makes mistakes. I can’t even keep the facts about last weekend straight. But, what makes all the difference in the world is the ability of a person to utter these words: “I was wrong.” Or even, “my bad.” Whatever, just admit the error. Apologize. Laugh it off. But don’t, please don’t, re-write history in order to defend the mistake. I cannot help but reflect on how messed up we are when those in power, whether democrat, republican, libertarian, anarchist (wait, that doesn’t make sense), cannot say, “I made a mistake.” Instead, it is as if to admit error renders the politician no longer viable for office (which says far more about voters than politicians).

Apparently, our so-called leaders continue to share much in common with Caesars of old: they all imagine themselves deified. They are beyond the mistakes of the common rabble. Somehow, miraculously so, in the United States we have converted the cardinal sin of Christianity, which is pride, into our number one virtue. Such pride refuses to concede mistakes and leads to a whole host of other sins. But, no worries, we are still “God’s favorites.” And how do we know this?

Because we said so. (See how it works?)

The only adequate response I have to Palin’s revisionism is the beauty, truth and goodness as culminated in this epic tale of the American silversmith in question: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEM3dW2oWW4]