Tripp York

Apocalyptic Refusals

Many of you know I’ve published a few shoddy articles on why you shouldn’t vote. Not simply because it’s a religious ritual of the state, which it is, but also due to our direct complicity that occurs when we put yet another killer in office. “But if you don’t vote, then you’re just as complicit […]

Eric Paul

What does Reinhold Niebuhr have to do with Drones?

During Pres. Obama’s first year in office, he testified that Reinhold Niebuhr was his favorite theologian.  R. Niebuhr is of course famous, in part, because of his writings on “Christian Realism.”  I am under the impression that the vast majority of American Christians live under the Christian Realist moniker without ever having heard of Reinhold […]

Rachel K. Ward

Hijack Nation: America’s Past-Postmodernism

“America ducks the question of origins; it cultivates no origin or mythical authenticity; it has no past and no founding truth. Having known no primitive accumulation of time, it lives in a perpetual present. Having seen no slow, centuries-long accumulation of a principle of truth, it lives in perpetual simulation, in a perpetual present of […]

Tripp York

Hating ‘Mullets’ or ‘Hating’ Mullets?

If you’ve been keeping up with the Mullets (and who hasn’t . . . ahh) then you’ll already know that these beard-trimming Christian anarchists refused a plea of leniency that would have landed most of these Amish folks on probation–as opposed to what they now face: a very long stint in prison. Read more . […]

Thomas Bridges

Why is the church important? (A note on the eschatological roots of Christianity)

A friend of mine who serves in a ministerial position prompted me with the question, “Why is the church important?” Obviously this is a very broad and opened ended question, without parameters—other than knowing his purpose was to teach young people in a retreat setting. However, rather than go through a whole proper prolegomena, I […]

Thomas Bridges

We are back!

We apologize for the hiatus from this blog, but things are changing! Due to personal reasons of a different nature for each of us, keeping this blog going and building momentum was not in the cards until now, so we have decided to publish regular pieces this semester and see where we stand this winter. […]

Tripp York

Books and God(s)

I’ve been asked to teach a Religion and Literature course next semester. I cannot tell you how much this excites me. Seriously, I’m quite amped. The only thing difficult about this course, thus far, is trying to narrow down the list of possible books. It’s overwhelming. The question revolves not so much around what I […]

Jeffrey Overstreet

Blow-Up (Antonioni, 1966)

Filmwell welcomes Andrew Welch as a new guest contributor. Andrew Welch lives in Denton, TX, and has written for Books & Culture, Relevant, and Art House Dallas. You can follow him at his blog, Adventures in Cinema, and on Twitter. • There’s a moment in Michelangelo Antonioni’s Blow-Up where the movie’s main character, Thomas (David Hemmings), strolls into […]