Carl Raschke

“Inverting” the Apocalypse – Žižek, Gunjević, and Other Ways of Living Through the End Times

  Lately I’ve been reading  God in Pain: Inversions of Apocalypse  (Seven Stories Press, 2012),  not so much a  dialogue but an series of interlinear  monologues between  Continental philosophy’s enfant terrible Slavoy  Žižek and Croatian radical orthodox theologian Boris Gunjević . The title is slightly misleading, if only because without knowing what is actually in the book, one […]

Carl Raschke

Specters of Rage in an Age of Change – Sloterdijk and the “End” of the Postmodern

Multiple Specters Perhaps we can adapt just one more time Marx’s well-known and overadapted opening to The Communist Manifesto that a “specter is stalking” us. It was this same “specter” that Derrida back in the mid-1980s adapted in Specters of Marx to rejuvenate what by then was his already aging project of deconstruction to produce […]

Carl Raschke

Do we really get Romans? A little Badiou and Žižek can help.

It’s been said that reformations and revolutions in Christianity begin with a re-reading of Romans. That is certainly true of the Protestant Reformation with Luther’s epoch-shaking insight into the meaning of the phrase “the righteousness of God.” It is true as well of Barth’s commentary The Epistle to the Romans, which in the words of […]