Doug Thorpe

‘All Things Counter, Original, Spare, Strange…’

In a well-known Taoist story, retold from Chuang Tzu by N. Kathleen Hayles in her book Chaos and Order, “Shu (Brief) and Hu (Sudden) go to visit Hun-dun (Chaos), who graciously offers them his hospitality. Observing that Hun-dun lacks the seven openings through which men see, hear, eat, and breathe, Shu and Hu determine to create […]

Chris Keller

The Ecology of Avoidance: An Interview with Bill McKibben

Bill McKibben’s credentials are incontrovertible. He is the author of numerous books, including the best-seller, The End of Nature (1989), the first book on global warming written for a popular audience. His articles have appeared in such diverse publications as Christian Century, The New Yorker, National Geographic, Sojourners, Atlantic Monthly, and National Review. A graduate from Harvard University, he has been awarded a number […]

Michael Del Ponte

How Green is Your Sanctuary?

The first time I visited Yale Divinity School was in 2005, on Earth Day. Chapel was filled with the language of creation. As we proceeded into the quad to enjoy the beautiful spring day, the songs, sermon and even silence seemed to be filled with environmental images. This theme of eco-awareness was palpable, like the […]