David Jacobsen

Until an End Is Made

Certain strands of friendship can cross distances, but others—regretfully—are broken.

Matthew E. Henry

Say the Love of God is an Addiction

In the poem, MEH considers the draws of appetite and desire, for both food and God, as “sometimes sweet, often bitter…(a) blind rage which pursues us through the day…”

David Dark

Bell Rings True: A Review of Rob Bell’s Love Wins

One interpretation has collapsed; but because it was considered the interpretation it now seems as if there were no meaning at all in existence, as if everything were in vain. – Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power[i] I grew up in a family obsessed—blessedly so, I believe—with what we might call the “biblical specifics.” Baptized […]

Luci Shaw


After resurrection, Jesus acted strange, materializing through solid wood, even though he didn’t look that different. The gashes seeped still, varnishing the tentative hand, the fingers that needed to know him new. Let me say how strange I feel, trusting this to be true—that a body can be both mortally wounded and whole enough to […]