Sada Mukhtasar

The Funeral

Sada Mukhtasar writes of ordained authority and individual freedom at a Muslim funeral.

Oluwatomisin Oredein


Tomi Oredein offers her take on some of the beautiful ways we are human.

Caitlin Mackenzie

Shapelessness of Violence

n this poem, Caitlin Mackenzie poetically demonstrates that violence causes a diminished view of humanity and creation, and thus we must constantly seek to see wholeness.

Dan Allender

Moby Dick and the Psychopathology of Transcendent Rage

Call me naïve. I don’t understand how a person, political party, or cultural movement can sustain rage for any length of time, let alone for months and years. But we are living in a day of sustained rage—political animosity, culture wars, national stereotyping, and religious bigotry. One need only flip from one radio talk show […]