Julie Canlis

Pilgrimage, Geography, and Mischievous Theology

As I learned while traveling across England and Wales, pilgrimage, by its very nature, takes time and place. Pilgrimage honors the fact that our bodies participate in our redemption.

Durham Cathedral - Pilgrimage
David Grumett

Digesting the Word: A Tryptic and Proposal on Dietary Choice

This essay reflects upon the fascinating painting by Velázquez Christ in the House of Martha and Mary, discusses the current Roman Catholic rules of abstinence, and considers the curious fact that these are less rigorous than those adopted by vegetarians and many others in secular society.

Stephen Muse

Your Faith is Making You Well: Psychotherapy in an Orthodox Christian Context

In the twenty-first century, as in the first, we do not wage war against flesh and blood, but against “powers and principalities in the heavens” who increasingly would have us believe we are merely flesh and blood and therefore must cling to this life alone as the only one we will ever have, infected by […]