Chelle Stearns, Shelly Rambo

The Spirit’s Witness: An Interview with Shelly Rambo

Christian theologies of suffering often move too quickly to redemption, but in this interview with Shelly Rambo, she advocates a theology that remains in the ambiguous middle space between life and death, bearing witness to how trauma lingers in human experience.

David Jacobsen

Until an End Is Made

Certain strands of friendship can cross distances, but others—regretfully—are broken.

Tania Runyan


In “Manifestation,” the poet Tania Runyan encounters prayer as something that hooks her “like a dendrite branch,” its movements slow, deliberate, and intimate.

Brent Adkins

How (Not) to Think about Death: A Meditation on Life

This essay argues that although it is common in contemporary philosophy to claim that the ineluctability of death entails its internality, thinking of death as ineluctable and external is much more fruitful.