Go ahead, just fill in the blank: ________ for Jesus.

I’ve seen Karate for Jesus, Surfing For Jesus, Punk Rockers for Jesus, Dumpster-Diving for Jesus (props!), Homeschooling for Jesus, Killing Osama Bin Laden for Jesus (He says, “Thanks for listening to me, assholes.”), CEO’s for Jesus, Riot Grrrls for Jesus (that’s not true, but I would like to–sort of),  MMA for Jesus, Put Your Grandparents in Rest Homes for Jesus, and on and on and on. You kind of get the sense that this whole “______ for Jesus” thing is pretty self-serving (shh . . . be quite, Feuerbach). The one below, however, takes the cake. Well, it certainly takes something.

You might want to check first with his old man. He's kind of strict on this sort of thing.

This lady wins at everything. I could never, in a million years, top her creativity, wit and sexy acumen.

So go ahead and admit it–you kind of wish she was your grandmother. [See above paragraph for reasons why.]