God Is Not a Sacrifice: A Review of Katherine Sonderegger’s Systematic Theology: Volume 2
Chris E. W. Green suggests that the origin of the world is neither spectacle nor sacrifice; our origin is sweetness.

Chris E. W. Green suggests that the origin of the world is neither spectacle nor sacrifice; our origin is sweetness.
Chris E. W. Green considers Philip Cary’s The Meaning of Protestant Theology and asks how we are to handle the troubling history of theology.
Chris E. W. Green offers an advent meditation on what it means for God to come into the world through our labors.
In the end, the strangeness and opulence of her prose leaves the impression that Sonderegger is drunk with delight at the thought of God’s nature. And who can fault her for that?
Although he perhaps overreaches in some of what he claims for Willard’s work, Gary Black’s book provides an excellent introduction to Willardian theology and its place within contemporary evangelicalism.