Justin R. Phillips

The Cure For the Pain is the Pain

Dominique Gilliard, Subversive Witness: Scripture’s Call to Leverage Privilege (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2021). Stephen Preskill, Education in Black and White: Myles Horton and the Highlander Center’s Vision for Social Justice (Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 2021). I once asked my students at a largely white, evangelical private school whether they considered themselves privileged. […]

Claire K. McKeever-Burgett, Justin R. Phillips, Lynn Domina, Preston Hill, Ryan Kelley, Zachary Thomas Settle

Knowing Your Place and the End of White Evangelicalism

Justin Phillips reflects on writing about the formative communities of his life—white, southern, evangelical—and on trying to live faithfully and speak prophetically in the context of his upbringing.

Justin R. Phillips

Jesus and the Dispossessed

In light of the 2016 presidential campaign, Justin Randall Phillips analyzes the ways in which American evangelicalism is the product and reflection of racial division.

racial division
Justin R. Phillips

The Work of Play

Baseball was my first exposure to liturgy, my first immersion in the timekeeping of heaven.
