David Jacobsen

Until an End Is Made

Certain strands of friendship can cross distances, but others—regretfully—are broken.

Joshua Busman

On Praise and Worship Music: An Essay to its Cultured Despisers

“Praise and worship” music is one of the most oft-evoked and heavily contested markers of evangelical Protestantism in the United States. Its most vocal advocates herald praise and worship and its meteoric rise since the 1960s as nothing less than the rebirth of Western Christianity, citing its unique ability to attract an entire generation of […]

Brett David Potter

Are Artists the High Priests of Culture? Part I

In his seminal Art in Action (1980), Reformed philosopher Nicholas Wolterstorff emphasized the way in which the artist, “when he brings forth order for human benefit or divine honor,” participates in “man’s vocation to master and subdue the earth” (77). Such a creationally-grounded ‘job description’ applies equally to artists inside and outside the boundaries of the church. On […]

Chad Lakies

SCPT Conference Registration and CFP

Not much time left to submit a paper. The deadline is January 15. Here’s a link to the CFP. Registration information is now available. —————— Registration Information for the 2012 meeting of the Society for Continental Philosophy and Theology (SCPT)  Creation, Creatureliness, and Creativity: The Human Place in the Natural World  April 20-22, 2012 Loyola […]

Brett David Potter

Attack of the Clones

The documentary The People vs. George Lucas, with all its jokes about Ewoks and midi-chlorians, is perhaps destined to be enjoyed most by Star Wars superfans. However, it raises  a series of intriguing questions about creativity and control which extend far beyond a certain “galaxy far, far away.” Who “owns” a film or work of […]

Andre Martin


Click here to view a collection of paintings by Andre Martin.