Mark Traylor

Crossing the Road: Jesus on Race

Racial reconciliation and the parable of the Good Samaritan are both centered on rightly defining who owns what.

Caitlin Mackenzie

Shapelessness of Violence

n this poem, Caitlin Mackenzie poetically demonstrates that violence causes a diminished view of humanity and creation, and thus we must constantly seek to see wholeness.

Janet Sunderland

Standing at the Top of the Lane

In this poem, Janet Sunderland powerfully connects an encounter with the natural world to the everyday darkness of death and war and hopelessness.

Dan Allender

Moby Dick and the Psychopathology of Transcendent Rage

Call me naïve. I don’t understand how a person, political party, or cultural movement can sustain rage for any length of time, let alone for months and years. But we are living in a day of sustained rage—political animosity, culture wars, national stereotyping, and religious bigotry. One need only flip from one radio talk show […]