Edward R. Brown

A Tale of Two Cities

Dubai and Nairobi represent two ends of the poverty/wealth spectrum, but which one is really wealthy?

Nathan R. Kerr

“With Sighs Too Deep for Words”: On Praying With the Victims in Haiti

In this theological response to the Haiti earthquake, Nathan Kerr suggests that rather than merely speaking about God, Christians should inhabit a mode of speaking to God that responds to the oppressed victims of Haiti by living in solidarity with them, both in revolt against the powers that oppress and in hope that God might liberate them to live and love freely.

Mark Russell

The Advent Conspiracy: An Interview with Josh Butler

In this interview, Josh Butler describes his work with the Advent Conspiracy, an organization that challenges popular consumerist responses to Christmas and seeks to recapture that sense that there is something prophetic and countercultural about Christmas, that a different kingdom is being celebrated when we celebrate the birth of Jesus.