Brett David Potter

Mad Men and the Pursuit of Happiness

One is immediately suspicious of any attempt to distill the glorious complexities of Mad Men down to any single theme. Depending on who you ask, it is a show about the birth of the cool, a nostalgic look at the 1960s (some people talk as if it deserves an official papal pronouncement: “It is how […]

Brian Bantum

Bloodlines: Race, Cross, and the Christian – A Review

John Piper’s Bloodlines: Race, Cross and the Christian marks the entrance of a major American pastor into conversations about race and the church, but it also displays some problematic views of both race and Christ that ultimately work against Piper’s hopes for racial harmony.

Brian D. McLaren

Faith Beyond All Answers: A Response to John Piper’s Theodicy

John Piper didn’t waste any time. Six days after the devastating earthquake in Japan, he published a post on his Desiring God blog entitled “Japan: After Empathy and Aid, People Want Answers.”  Here the revered Reformed Baptist theologian and pastor plunges (as he has done on many occasions before) boldly into the field of theodicy. […]