James K. A. Smith

Poser Christianity

Brett McCracken. Hipster Christianity: When Church and Cool Collide. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2010. 255 pages. $10.87 paperback (Amazon). Click here or on the image below to purchase Hipster Christianity from Amazon.com and help support The Other Journal. When I was a teenager, I was religiously devoted to freestyle BMX: flatland, street, vert, all of it. It […]

Christopher J. H. Wright

The “Righteous Rich” in the Old Testament

The Old Testament recognizes that riches can be gained through wickedness and oppression, but it also teaches and exemplifies that those to whom God grants more than ordinary wealth can and should make use of it in ways that are righteous before God, both in attitude and in practice.

Scott Bader-Saye

Flirting with Money

This essay asks, “What is money for?” and, in light of the current banking crisis, proposes that lending and borrowing can and should be ordered to the common good.

Nadine Pinède

The Mountain Beyond

In this essay, Nadine Pinède reflects on a 2003 trip to Haiti and on a gathering of the MPP, Haiti’s largest grassroots organization, which focuses on food production and peasant mobilization as a response to poverty in Haiti.

Billy Daniel

Gird Up Your Loins, Haiti: A Lesson in Theodicy from Job

This essay exposes the Christological bankruptcy of theodicy in the modern age, revealing the essential nature of any system of knowledge as being open to epistemological crises, especially with regard to Christianity.

Mark W. Westmoreland

The Revivification of Racial Reconciliation: Peter Heltzel’s Jesus and Justice, an Engagement with Evangelicals, Justice, and Race

A review of Peter Goodwin Heltzel’s JESUS AND JUSTICE, a book that traces the historical legacy of evangelicalism, particularly in the wake of Martin Luther King Jr. and Carl F. H. Henry; describes the impact of this legacy on four contemporary evangelical organizations; and suggests new ways of understanding race and political life in America.