Tripp York

Bad Religion’s got some yuletide after all

Whether it’s supposed to be ironic, humorous, rooted in nostalgia, or just some strange appeal to whatever holiday spirits these anti-theists can muster, Bad Religion (one of my favorite bands growing up–their pretentiousness, however, was not always healthy for me), is releasing a Christmas album. And yet, the a-holes (‘a’ is for atheism–get it? Get […]

Tripp York

Five Christmas Songs that Kind of Make Me Go, “This could be right.”

My first substantial brush with ‘atheism/agnosticism/I kinda wish I was a Taoist but I always collapse into nihilism instead’ did not come about via reading Nieztsche, Bakunin, God forbid, Dawkins (a little humor there). I was 14 and it occurred while I was in church singing a song composed by some ‘everyman’ from Contemporary Christian […]