James K. A. Smith

Response to Bowald: Sins of Omission

I’m profoundly grateful to these scholars for taking time to carefully, critically, and charitably engage the second edition of The Fall of Interpretation—and in the summer, of all things!  This kind of constructive engagement is a real gift to an author, and I’m glad to have the opportunity to continue the conversation by replying to […]

Mark Bowald

The Redemption of Interpretation: An Interlocution on Sin and Hermeneutics

What is “interpretation”?  James K. A. Smith has issued a second edition of his first book on its “fall.”  Clarifying what exactly interpretation is for Smith is a priority for those who might benefit from reading it, and his later work.  We can clearly identify two dimensions to interpretation: first, the ontological conditions for interpretation […]

Chad Lakies

Upcoming at ChurchandPomo

It’s been quiet here for a bit. However, we’ve got quite a few posts lined up for the rest of the summer. Starting Monday, we’ll host in 3 substantive interactions with James K.A. Smith’s The Fall of Interpretation, 2nd ed. We’ve invited three reviewers to interact with Jamie’s latest edition of his very first book […]