David Dark

Bell Rings True: A Review of Rob Bell’s Love Wins

One interpretation has collapsed; but because it was considered the interpretation it now seems as if there were no meaning at all in existence, as if everything were in vain. – Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power[i] I grew up in a family obsessed—blessedly so, I believe—with what we might call the “biblical specifics.” Baptized […]

Luci Shaw

Holding on

In this poem, Luci Shaw evokes sharp images of winter, mystery, nihilism, and death.

Marjorie Maddox

Nine Alive!

Newspaper headline Somerset, PA This is the popular miracle to which we bow down, a gasp in our throats, thousands ready to weep, disbelief exhaling relief and not that dark mine of tragedy that keeps collapsing around this tunnel of a country. But there are other wonders too: untelevised, deeper down, the tap-tap-tapping left between […]