Christopher J. H. Wright

Saints in the Marketplace: A Biblical Perspective on the World of Work

Contrary to the pervasive “sacred-secular” dichotomy that infects many Christians’ view of the world of “ordinary” work, the Bible has a comprehensive and positive understanding of God’s involvement in the public arena, from creation to new creation, providing perspectives that should govern our ethical, missional, and pastoral engagement with it.

Scott Sabin

Beauty on the Border

A reflection on the beauty of creation and redemption in the impoverished, agriculturally scarred towns along the Dominican Repulic and Haitian border.

Luci Shaw


In this poem, Luci Shaw metaphorically considers the cycles of collapse and reformation that define the spiritual life.

Dan Allender

Moby Dick and the Psychopathology of Transcendent Rage

Call me naïve. I don’t understand how a person, political party, or cultural movement can sustain rage for any length of time, let alone for months and years. But we are living in a day of sustained rage—political animosity, culture wars, national stereotyping, and religious bigotry. One need only flip from one radio talk show […]

Krissy Maier, Michelle Wunsch, Pura Vida Coffee

Pura Vida Coffee: Redeeming Capitalism

The mission of Pura Vida ( is to harness the power of business to create good and serve the poor. We believe that, together, consumers and business leaders can join to promote a new type of capitalism – one that changes the way we think about business. In his sermon “The Strength to Love,” Martin […]