Jonathan McGregor

Criminal Minds: Secular Rationality and State Worship

The following is a guest post by Jonathan McGregor. Jonathan is a Ph.D. student in English and American Literature and American Culture Studies at Washington University in St. Louis, MO. His research interests include 20th century and contemporary American fiction, modernity and postmodernity, secularity and postsecularity, religious epistemology, and political theology. His favorite book is […]

Branson Parler

The Emperor’s New Clothes: A Review of Defending Constantine

The tale of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” turns on the question of how to see the emperor: is he clothed in garments befitting someone of his noble station, or is he parading in nothing more than his birthday suit, exposed as vain and conceited? Likewise, Peter Leithart’s Defending Constantine turns on the question of how […]