Tripp York

Oi to the World! (now bugger off)

First of all, Oi to the World! was written by The Vandals, not that obnoxiously horrible “I don’t know when to stop singing, so I’ll just keep belting ‘oooohhh’ throughout ever ‘effing line in a song” crappy singer Gwen Stefani. But, I guess, since the song is about unity I should be nice. And it’s […]

Tripp York

Please Don’t Rock the Vote

[This is it. The last one I will ever post on voting. Whew. Feels good.] So, this news is slightly old. To be honest, I wrote this a few months ago and forgot about it. But then someone asked me about it in class this past week (as I was ranting about religion and the […]

Tripp York

Peter Maurin and Daniel Berrigan’s ‘Bad Birthday Bash’ (We just wanted the band to play our favorite song)

First of all, only the most malevolent of creatures dislike The Vandals. My deepest gratitude is extended to those witty punkers for writing two songs I scream along with every May 9th (“Bad Birthday Bash” and “Happy Birthday to Me”). Second, my humblest apologies for being born on the same day as Peter Maurin and Daniel Berrigan. I’m inspired, and embarrassed, by that […]