Joanne Nelson

How the Water Holds Us

Joanne Nelson wanders and wonders through tributaries of watery connections.

Maryann Corbett

Wet Ghazal

Maryann Corbett riffs on the various waters of life.

Angela Alaimo O’Donnell

Shoshana’s Song

She rode out to sea at the wheel of the rented boat, her hair wild in the wind.

Jillena Rose

Water Mission

In “Water Mission,” Jillena Rose offers a narrative of a childhood in Saigon, where she learned the prayer of “women in white silk laughing, letting water run over their fingers . . . another sound for praise.”

Mark Russell

The Advent Conspiracy: An Interview with Josh Butler

In this interview, Josh Butler describes his work with the Advent Conspiracy, an organization that challenges popular consumerist responses to Christmas and seeks to recapture that sense that there is something prophetic and countercultural about Christmas, that a different kingdom is being celebrated when we celebrate the birth of Jesus.